For information about Holiday Garbage and Recycling, please visit the County of Wellington's website.
Garbage Bags
The County of Wellington runs a full user pay system for garbage collection in the Townhip. Fees are charged for every bag of garbage picked up curbside or taken to a waste facility.
Where can I get bags?
The County of Wellington user pay garbage bags are sold at various stores throughout the County of Wellington as well as the Guelph/Eramosa Municipal Office, Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
To see a full list of locations to purchase your garbage bags, click here.
What is the cost for bags?
Small and large garbage bags are available and contain 10 bags per package.
- ten large bags (dimensions 30" x 38") cost $25.00 - no HST
- ten small bags (dimensions 24" x 28") cost $20.00 - no HST
Blue Recycle Bins
The Township provides 2 blue recycle bins to new residents. These bins as well as lost or damaged bins can be picked up at the Municipal Office. Additional bins can be purchased at the County of Wellington waste facility for $5.00.
Pick Up Dates, HOLIDAY PICK-UP and other Information
For more information on programs and schedules to collect, divert and dispose of waste and recyclables in Guelph/Eramosa, please contact the County of Wellington:
For more information, visit the Wellington County Solid Waste Services website at Wellington County Solid Waste Services website.
Contact Wellington County Solid Waste Services at (519) 837-2601