Water Rates and Billing

Let’s talk about water rates in Guelph/Eramosa.

Your water bill includes the costs to operate the water system, the funds needed to make repairs and replacements and the funds being saved to keep our water systems operating in the future. 

As of January 1, 2021, water and sewer rates will increase by about $3.15 a month on average per household. 

Compared to larger cities, we have a small amount of users to fund the water systems, since most of the residents in Guelph/Eramosa have private wells and septic systems. 

We provide safe, clean drinking water to over 2000 homes and treats almost 1 million litres of wastewater each day.  

Water rates  

Current Rates

2020 Water and Wastewater Rate Study

Water and Wastewater Financial Plan

If you wish to view a hard copy of these documents, please contact the Finance Department at the Municipal Office at 519-856-9596.

Water Billing

The Township of Guelph/Eramosa processes utility water bills bi-monthly, which are distributed around the second week of each billing month. The bi-monthly utility water billing months are January, March, May, July, September, and November

Water utility bills are due on the last business day of each billing month.

Are you Moving?

Please notify our water billing department of your upcoming move by emailing twpguelpheramosawater@get.on.ca or call 519-856-9596 ext. 126. 

Please provide the following information when sending an email or when calling to set up your account:

  • Name and Name of the joint account holder, if applicable 
  • Email address and phone number
  • Service address 
  • Closing date/possession date 
  • Mailing address (if different from the service address)
  • Owner or tenant classification 

Note: The Township of Guelph/Eramosa charges a one-time New Occupancy Fee of $58.00, which will be applied to your first water utility bill. Subject to change. 

Contact us immediately if you are moving out of a residence with municipal water services to avoid being billed for water you did not consume. Please notify our water billing department of your upcoming move by emailing twpguelpheramosawater@get.on.ca  or call 519-856-9596 ext. 126. 

We will require the following information: 

  • Water service cancellation date – If you are selling your house, the date should be your closing date. If you are renting, the date for your service termination should be the date your lease ends.
  • Forwarding address or email address - to send you a final bill or cheque for any credit balance. 

Water Bills

  1. By Mail
  2. Paperless E-Billing – Paperless billing allows you to receive your water bill in a PDF format, sent directly to the email address of your choice. To sign up for our paperless e-billing, please download the application form and email it to twpguelpheramosawater@get.on.ca  , mail, fax, or drop it off in person.

Pre-authorized Payment Plan: To sign up for our pre-authorized payment plan, please download the application form and email it to twpguelpheramosawater@get.on.ca  , mail, fax, or drop it off in person.

Online or In-Person Bank Payment:  You can set up the Township of Guelph/Eramosa as a payee through Internet or telephone banking or at your financial institution.

  • Select Guelph/Eramosa (Township of) Water as the payee.
  • You will need your customer number in the top right corner of your invoice. Please include all the digits, including the zeroes, at the beginning.

Cheque: by mail or dropped off at the Township Office at the address below. There is also a secure, after-hours drop box located at the front entrance of the building.

Township of Guelph/Eramosa

8348 Wellington Rd 124

PO Box 700

Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0

In-person: Payments can be made at the Guelph/Eramosa Municipal Office at 8348 Wellington Road 124, Rockwood (at Brucedale) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Methods of payment accepted at the Municipal Office are cash, cheques, and debit. 

After Hours Drop Box: You can place your cheque in the secure after-hours drop slot located at the front door of the Municipal Office.

Promenade Park

Also known as Gazer Mooney, Promenade Park is a hamlet area comprised of Eramosa Crescent, Gazer Crescent, Hillside Drive and Promenade Road, located within Guelph/Eramosa Township. The Township owns all the infrastructure (roads, water mains, hydrants, sewers and is serviced by municipal water and wastewater. However, both the supply and treatment of water and wastewater are provided under agreement by the City of Guelph. While the City bills users for water and wastewater usage, the Township retains responsibility for the localized infrastructure. There are 71 users within the Gazer-Mooney system. The Township is responsible for the lifecycle costs for the infrastructure in place (within the Township boundaries). Hence, it imposes a flat rate to recover these costs associated with Township infrastructure.

Based on 2024 water and sewer rates for both the Township and the City, a customer in Rockwood would pay $1,423.72 annually for 170 cubic meters of water. A customer in Promenade Park would pay $1,038.07 to the city and $356.97 for a total of $1,395.07.

The Township of Guelph/Eramosa distributes Gazer Mooney Annual Lifecycle bills every October. Annual Lifecycle Charges cover the period from January 1st to December 31st of each year. They are due on the last business day of every November.

  1. By Mail
  2. Paperless E-Billing – Paperless billing allows you to receive your water bill in a PDF format, sent directly to the email address of your choice. To sign up for our paperless e-billing, please download the application form and email it to twpguelpheramosawater@get.on.ca  , mail, fax, or drop it off in person.

Details with respect to the Township water and wastewater rates can be found in the 2020 Water and Wastewater Rate Study located on the website. 


Pre-authorized Payment Plan: To sign up for our pre-authorized payment plan, please download the application form and email it to twpguelpheramosawater@get.on.ca  , mail, fax, or drop it off in person.

Online or In-Person Bank Payment:  You can set up the Township of Guelph/Eramosa as a payee through Internet or telephone banking or at your financial institution.

  • Select Guelph/Eramosa (Township of) Water as the payee.
  • You will need your customer number in the top right corner of your invoice. Please include all the digits, including the zeroes, at the beginning.

Cheque: by mail or dropped off at the Township Office at the address below. There is also a secure, after-hours drop box located at the front entrance of the building.

Township of Guelph/Eramosa

8348 Wellington Rd 124

PO Box 700

Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0

In-person: Payments can be made at the Guelph/Eramosa Municipal Office at 8348 Wellington Road 124, Rockwood (at Brucedale) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Methods of payment accepted at the Municipal Office are cash, cheques, and debit. 

After Hours Drop Box: You can place your cheque in the secure after-hours drop slot located at the front door of the Municipal Office.

Water Smart tips

Using water smart tips in your home or business can help you manage your water usage.

Water meters can be found in the basement near the floor, along a wall, or in basement washrooms, laundry, and furnace rooms next to the shut-off valve inside the home. They could also be in a utility room or crawl space, next to a sump pump, or close to an exterior wall.

Reading your water meter regularly can help detect if you have a leak. First, you will need to locate the water meter inside your home. The water meter is usually located in your basement mechanical room or crawl space. Determine the type of meter installed in your house:

Once you determine the type of water meter installed in your home, take a reading at a set time of day. Take a second reading at the same time the following day. Your daily consumption is the second reading, less the first reading. Tracking your water usage will help you find any spikes in water usage and help find leaks.

Are you surprised by a higher-than-usual water bill? Even if you're mindful of your water usage, unexpected spikes can be frustrating. If you're experiencing a sudden increase in your water bill without any changes in your routine, it might be a sign of an underlying plumbing issue. 

Seasonal Increase

During the summer, we use more water for activities like watering our gardens, washing vehicles, running sprinklers, and filling up pools. The holiday season or hosting guests can also lead to temporary spikes in water usage. These additional water demands can cause a higher water consumption bill. If you can't think of any specific changes since your last bill, there may be another reason behind the increase.

Leaking Toilet

Water continuously flows into the bowl when a toilet leaks, even when it's not being flushed. This constant flow can lead to a significant increase in water consumption over time. It's similar to a faucet that's always running, wasting water and potentially causing higher water bills. It's important to fix leaks promptly to conserve water and save money.

Examples of how a leaking toilet can cause high water consumption:

  • A faulty flapper valve in a toilet tank can wear out or become misaligned. The leaky flapper can trigger an automatic flush, leading to unnecessary water usage.
  • A faulty fill valve controls the tank's water level. If it malfunctions, it may continuously allow water to flow into the tank, resulting in higher water bills.

Other signs of a leaking toilet: 

  • Damp floor around the toilet base
  • Cracked porcelain
  • Constantly running toilets that make noise even when not in use
  • Frequent clogs or difficulty flushing
  •  Smell of sewage

 If you notice any of these signs, contact a plumber.

Water Softener

A malfunctioning water softener may cause leaks or constant water running, leading to continuous water usage even when it's not needed.

If your water softener needs to be calibrated correctly or programmed, it may regenerate more frequently than necessary. Regeneration is when the softener cleans itself by flushing out the accumulated minerals. If it regenerates too often, it can waste water and increase your consumption.

Reverse Osmosis

If a reverse osmosis system isn't working correctly, it could lead to higher water bills in a couple of ways.

  • Leaks or malfunction in the system can cause water wastage.
  • The system isn't effectively removing impurities, it might use more water to achieve the desired purity level, resulting in higher water consumption.

Turn off all taps and water appliances in your home. Write down the reading from your water meter and wait approximately 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, check to see if the reading has changed. If the reading changes, the odds are good that you have a water leak in your home.

  1. The best time to read a water meter to detect a leak is in the evening, when everyone has gone to bed. Make sure that you have turned off any faucets or appliances that may use water.
  2. Locate the ‘flow indicator’ on the face of your water meter (usually a small red or black triangle or dial on the face of the meter). Write down the reading, avoid using any water until the next morning. 
  3. Check the reading again in the morning, before anyone uses any water. If the number is higher than it was the evening before, you may have a leak.

If the indicator is turning, moving, or shaking, that is another indication you may have a leak. 

Options for notification

Phone:  519-856-9596 ext. 126  or Toll Free 1-800-267-1465 ext. 126

Email: twpguelpheramosawater@get.on.ca

Mail:  8348 Wellington Road 124, P.O. Box 700, Rockwood, Ontario N0B 2K0


Please call 519-856-9596 ext. 126 (Toll Free 1-800-267-1465 ext. 126) or email twpguelpheramosawater@get.on.ca