Conserving water saves you money! By limited our daily use of water, we also reduce our monthly water and sewer bills. Conserving water in the home can be easy and cost very little but the impact it can make is significant.
The average single family home uses more than 300L of water per day for indoor needs, of which 5-10% can be wasted due to leaks. By installing more efficient water fixtures such as low flush toilets and making conscious efforts to save water, a total use of water can be decreased by 35% or more.
Why do we need to save water?
Water conserving efforts result in diverting less water from our source water, which contributes to a healthier environment. Fish, wildlife and birds depend on these same water resources. Conserving water also decreases the amount of used water (both treated and polluted) being discharged back into the environment. Water conservation also moderates the use of water and wastewater treatment plants, postponing the need for investments in new infrastructure.
Finding new sources of water and building associated water infrastructure is very costly. The cost of save water through the efficiency programs, such as the toilet rebate program, is approximately one-third the cost of constructing new water supplies.
Our Township, much like the City of Guelph, is solely reliant on groundwater. Because groundwater is a more limited resource than surface water, water conservation is of particular importance to ensure that we preserve our resource.