Firearms Quick Reference Guide

Discharge of Firearms

Discharge of Firearms By-laws enhances public safety by limiting the discharge of firearms in and around populated areas.  On October 17th, 2017, Council of the Township of Guelph/Eramosa consolidated the Firearms Discharge By-law 08/2010, being a By-law to regulate the discharge of guns or other firearms, air guns, spring guns, crossbows, longbows or any other weapon thereof in the municipality or in any defined areas thereof.


FAQ - Discharge of Firearms

 Discharge of firearms is prohibited on Municipally owned property, streets or road allowances. The discharge of firearms on private property is not permitted unless the property is larger than 4 hectares (9.88 acres) in size.

By-law 08/2010 permits the discharge of firearms for the purpose of Animal Control on parcels of land 0.4 hectares (0.99 acres) or greater in size only where a person believes on reasonable grounds that the animal is damaging or is about to damage the person's property.

Yes, there are specific time prohibitions which are listed below:

1. One-half (0.5) hours after sunset to one-half (0.5) hours before sunrise on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

2. No person shall discharge a firearm on Sunday, with the exception of a bow, crossbow, or air guns which are not audible.

Any person may make an application to Council to be granted an exemption from Section 2, subsection 4 of this By-law with respect to discharging firearms outside the restricted day of the week.

To complete an application and request an exemption please submit your request in writing to the By-law Department at the following address:

Guelph/Eramosa Township By-law Department

8348 Wellington Road 124
P.O. Box 700 Rockwood,
N0B 2K0

OPP reporting fewer road deaths in 2018 - London | Globalnews.caIf you wish the Township to investigate a potential violation of the by-law, please contact By-law Enforcement.  Due to safety concerns, By-law Enforcement Officers will request that a member of the Ontario Provincial Police attend the property to investigate on the Township's behalf.  Please note that all relevant Federal and Provincial Regulations pertaining to firearms must be complied with, including but not limited to the Canada Criminal CodeFirearms Act, and the Ontario Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.

For information on Hunting, Hunting Seasons or obtaining Hunting? For licenses, contact the Ministry of Natural Resources.