Effective January 16, 2017, By-law 04/2017 regulating boarding and breeding kennels was enacted by Council. All operators of boarding and breeding kennels require an approved and issued licence from the By-Law Department of the Township of Guelph/Eramosa.
A Kennel Licence is required when a minimum of three (3) dogs or four (4) cats are housed, boarded, bred, trained, sold or kept. In addition to this, there are specific provisions for boarding and breeding kennels.
Every license issued pursuant to the By-law shall expire twelve months succeeding the date of issue. Municipal Law Enforcement Officers conduct inspections of all Kennels throughout the year to ensure compliance with the By-law.
In order to obtain a licence from the Township to operate a boarding or breeding kennel, the operator must demonstrate that the operation meets the provisions of By-law 04/2017. The applicant must submit a completed and signed application form to the By-Law Enforcement department, along with the required fee for a new or renewal application.
Boarding Kennels:
A boarding kennel licence is required if more than (3) three dogs are boarded during which the dogs are socialized with other dogs in an open setting without barriers.
The maximum number of dogs permitted in any one (1) kennel for which a Boarding Kennel License has been issued shall not exceed fifty (50) dogs and is based on the square footage of the housing.
Breeding Kennels:
The maximum number of dogs permitted in any one (1) Kennel for which a Breeding Kennel License has been issued shall not exceed ten (10) intact dogs or cats and is based on the square footage of the housing.
Kennel Zoning Regulations:
- A kennel must be located on a farm (Agricultural (A) or Extractive Industrial (M3) Zoned property) and shall be secondary to the agricultural use.
- The kennel must employ at least one person who dwells on the property and may employ two additional employees.
A kennel must be appropriate for rural servicing and be compatible with agricultural uses.
- A kennel must comply with all applicable by-laws and regulations such as noise and parking regulations.
- A kennel and all associated structures must be set back 150 m from all property lines.
- A kennel and buildings and structures used for non-agricultural uses shall not occupy a combined area exceeding 2% of the lot area, to a maximum of 0.4 hectares in area.
Kennel Licensing Requirements:

- Every kennel operation is required to be licensed.
- The license shall be renewed annually and is valid for 365 days (one year) from the date of application approval and payment.
- Before a license is issued or renewed, the applicant shall submit a full application form, pay the required annual fee (amended from time to time) and provide satisfactory evidence to the Clerk or designate that the kennel is operated within the standards or conditions set out in this by-law.
- Every licensee shall permit an animal control officer to enter and inspect the kennel to ensure compliance with the license and the provisions of this by-law or other by-laws of the municipality.
- Application for renewal of a license shall be completed and submitted to the Clerk or designate thirty (30) days prior to the expiry of the license.
- The kennel license issued to an applicant is non-transferable.
- The kennel must employ at least one person who dwells on the property.
- The kennel must comply with all applicable by-laws like noise and parking regulations.
- A license may be subjected to special terms and conditions imposed by the Township.
New Kennel License Application Procedure:
Every applicant applying for a new license for a kennel shall submit the following documentation to the By-Law Enforcement department for review:
A fully completed application form;
- The appropriate license fee;
- Documentation, satisfactory to the Clerk or designate, that the applicant is the property owner of the land at the location;
- Proposed floor plans including room labels and dimensions for any kennel buildings to be constructed;
- Documentation from the Planning Department that the property upon which the kennel will operate is appropriately zoned and operating an agricultural use;
- A site plan drawing to scale approved by the Township, including but not limited to, the location of all buildings or structures on the subject property, including the location of all buildings, structures, dog runs, waste containment, or facilities to be used for kennel purposes. The site plan shall also specify the distance separating the kennel from all property lines as well as all buildings and their existing use situated on the adjacent properties;
- In the case of a boarding kennel, proof of insurance by way of certificate of insurance showing a minimum limit of two million dollars ($2,000,000) in commercial general liability;
- In the case of a breeding kennel, proof of valid membership in the Canadian Kennel Club or any other association incorporated under the Animal Pedigree Act (Canada), R.S.C., 1985, c. 8 (4th Supp.), or in the case of cats, proof of valid membership in the Canadian Cat Association and its feline purebred registry;
- A list of all dogs and cats to be permanently kept at the subject property, noting verification of current rabies vaccination or titer testing for each dog (except where there is proof that the dog is under four (4) months of age);
- The original results of a criminal information request which shall determine whether the applicant has been convicted of any federal, provincial or municipal law pertaining to animal cruelty.